Development of humor
I undertook some of the early work on the incongruity and resolution theory of humor, ideas that are still used in contemporary psychological and brain-imaging research. The essence of this theory is that humor results from noticing and resolving an incongruity (example below). Incongruity is defined as a surprise (defeated expectations), typically conveyed in the punchline. The theory was supported by evidence that removing a joke's resolution ruined the joke, and removing the incongruity ruined the joke even more. A developmental finding was that understanding of incongruity emerges before understanding of resolution, explaining the young child’s fondness for material that adults would consider merely silly rather than funny.
Notice that explaining a joke kind of spoils it.
- Chan, Y. C. et al. (2012). Towards a neural circuit model of verbal humor processing: an fMRI study of the neural substrates of incongruity detection and resolution. Neuroimage, 66, 169–176.
- Shultz, T. R. (1974). Order of cognitive processing in humour appreciation. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 28, 409-420.
- Shultz, T. R. (1974). Development of the appreciation of riddles. Child Development, 45, 100-105.
- Shultz, T. R., & Horibe, F. (1974). Development of the appreciation of verbal jokes. Developmental Psychology, 10, 13-20.
- Shultz, T. R., & Scott, M. B. (1974). The creation of verbal humour. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 28, 421-425.
- Vrticka, P., Black, J. M., Neely, M., Shelly, E. W. & Reiss, A. L. (2013). Humor processing in children: influence of temperament, age and IQ. Neuropsychologia, 51, 2799–2811.
- Vrticka, P., Black, J. M., & Reiss, A. L. (2013). The neural basis of humour processing. Nature Reviews: Neuroscience, 14, 861-868.
- On their honeymoon, a couple went to the Ocean View Restaurant because it was so romantic.
- On their 10th wedding anniversary, they went to the Ocean View Restaurant because they liked to dance.
- On their 25th wedding anniversary, they went to the Ocean View Restaurant because it had a heart-healthy menu.
- On their 40th anniversary, they went to the Ocean View Restaurant because it offered an early bird special.
- On their 50th anniversary, they went to the Ocean View Restaurant because it was wheelchair accessible.
- On their 60th wedding anniversary, they decided to go to the Ocean View Restaurant because they had never been there before.
Notice that explaining a joke kind of spoils it.