Research awards won by undergraduates from LNSC
- Vanessa Evans 2010: Certificate of Academic Excellence, Canadian Psychological Association; A constructivist connectionist model of toddlers’ transitions on non-verbal false-belief tasks involving a novel location.
- Artem Kaznatcheev 2010: Travel Fellowship from The Robert J. Glushko & Pamela Samuelson Foundation for the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society; The cognitive cost of ethnocentrism.
- Aaron Sharp 2009: Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society, McGill Chapter); The contemporary association between parochialism and altruism.
- Artem Kaznatcheev 2008: First Place, Health and Life Sciences, McGill Undergraduate Research Conference; The evolution of cooperation in a competitive world.
- Artem Kaznatcheev 2008: Second Place, McGill School of Computer Science Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium; Evolutionary game theory.
- Ryan Pulleyblank 2006: Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society, McGill Chapter); Modeling acquisition of asymmetric concepts.
- László Egri 2005: McGill representative at Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Virginia; A compositional neural-network solution to prime-number testing.